Reference z Linkedin

  • Martin is highly experienced manager and expert for various kind of technology. I can only recommend him.
  • Doporucuji
  • It was a great pleasure for me to cooperate with Martin, especially for his professional and friendly attitude. He si a real professional in his work. Martin is a careful and pragmatic person who is able to solve difficult issues.
  • It was a pleasure to work alongside Martin on the Quality team at APAG Elektronik. Martin was always an enthusiast member of our team, and I have always been impressed by his professionalism and admirable personal qualities.
  • As Quality Project Manager, Martin constantly demonstrated his exceptional analytical skills and understanding of customer requirements. He has a fast capacity of adaptation which helped him to be a strong support for the team.
  • Martin is reliable and very skilled partner. Cooperation with him was smooth, he got fast complex understanding of company´s processes so he did not require supervising.
  • Martin is really very experienced professional with great sense to people souls. Martin will not let you down, he can manage, lead and coatch as well as to be a valid member of team and protect common interests.
  • Martin je velmi schopný, empatický a pracovitý kolega s jasnym tahem na branku. Pokud dostane prostor, dokáže svou pečlivostí váš byznys nechat rozkvést.
  • Martin je mimořádně vnímavý a schopný leader. Dokáže pracovat s motivací týmu a řídit růst jeho výkonu. Disponuje širokým spektrem zkušeností, díky kterým jasně rozpoznává ty důležité a nezbytné kroky vedoucí k dosažení úspěchu.

B. com. Jan Siedlikowski MBA - General Manager at Cantherm

  • 19. srpna 2013, Martin pracoval s uživatelem Jan ve stejné skupině

  • Martin is my counterpart at Microtherm CZ s.r.o. in the Czech Republic and I have known him since 2011. Martin is a strong business leader and over the years has successfully run his facility in a very competitive environment. I recommend Martin as a valuable asset to any organization.
  • Martin je výborným a zodpovědným manažerem, který se mimo jiné osobně věnuje také modernímu personálnímu řízení.
  • Martin was hard working and ambitious member of the local management team during my 2 years spent in the Czech Republic. Martin added value with his enthusiasm to learn and take on new opportunit. es.

    If the opportunity arises again I would welcome the chance to work along side him again.
  • Martin Kaspar is operation guy for non standard situation. He is able to manage difficult situation with very practice and pragmatic way of thinking and decision. He is one of manager working very close with shopfloor, SMART.
  • Martin did perfect job that times, when we worked together. He developed and started a new chalenging manufacturing unit from the first groundstone to succesfull standard operation. Later on hedid not hesitate to took responsibility for logistics issues of an automotive supplier, with just in time deliveries throughout whole Europe. He was able to find an approach for cost savings in the field. Martin has a strong, creative and friendly personality. It was really a joy to work with him.
  • Martin was a brilliant student who was able to combine his managerial professionality with openness to new things and knowledge in HR area.
  • Pan Martin Kašpar má rozvinuté strategické myšlení, obchodní talent a je uznávaným manažerem. Měl jsem čest s ním dlouhodobě spolupracovat na rozvojových projektech jeho podřízených i jeho samotného.
  • Martin má velmi profesionální přístup k obchodním partnerům společnosti. Jeho vyjednávací schopnosti jsou velmi korektní a přitom směřující k zajištění maximálního přínosu pro společnost.
  • At all times I have found Martin to be very realiable, hard-working, conscientious and honest in his work. Martin is a tremendous asset for any company and has my highest recommendation.